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One of the toughest things about having a pandemic baby was having to go it alone. No in-person baby shower, gender reveal, or family visits postpartum. As we move forward and plan ways to safely gather, we get to reinvent the ways that we do so. One of the best new trends to celebrate new parents is called a “nesting party.” Move over gender reveal and traditional baby shower – the nesting party is here and it’s here to stay! In this post, let’s talk about what is a nesting party and how to host one.
What is a nesting party?
We all deserve to be celebrated when we’re bringing a baby into the world! Cultures all over the world have unique traditions to honor new parents and welcome the baby-to-be. In the West, in recent decades we’ve focused on gender reveal parties and traditional baby showers. These are fun traditions, but they have a major flaw: they make it all about the baby.
The thing is, new parenthood is a major life transition that deserves to be honored, too. That’s where a nesting party comes in. Instead of gathering to shower you in baby gifts, your community gathers to “nest” with you: make your home comfy and ready for your little one. Think folding onesies and making freezer meals instead of baby shower games, and you’ve got the jist of what is a nesting party!
Why host a nesting party?
A nesting party is all about honoring your new parenthood by showering you in acts of service instead of traditional baby shower gifts. Nesting parties welcome all family and friends who want to help you prepare for your baby. At the end of your nesting party, instead of having to unbox and wash every gift, you get to sit back with a cup of tea and soak in your prepared home.
Nesting parties are truly for everyone – including people who still want to host a traditional baby shower or gender reveal. It’s totally possible to host a combination baby shower / nesting party. But the nesting party is really perfect for those who don’t feel great about the more traditional baby celebrations. Not everyone chooses to find out the sex or their baby or wants to share it with others if they do. And plenty of parents don’t want or need a lot of baby gear to put on a registry, preferring a minimalist or thrifted approach. But all new parents need simple meals to eat postpartum, washed and folded baby laundry, and a prepped diaper changing station! This is where the nesting party comes in: you don’t have to do all that work alone.
How to host a nesting party
How to host a nesting party comes down to how you feel loved and supported. Which areas of life are hardest for you: meal prep, laundry, unboxing and sanitizing baby items? All of the above?
You can throw your own nesting party or have someone close to you plan it for you. Make a list of all possible tasks you’d like to get done before baby arrives, such as:
- Prep easy freezer meals and snacks
- Organize/decorate the nursery
- Prepare the diaper caddy with diapers, wipes and bum cream
- Prepare postpartum healing recipes like pre-mixed herbal bath blends or padsicles
- Wash and sanitize bottles and pump parts
- Wash and fold baby laundry
Invite your guests as you would any other special party! You can mail out traditional invites, e-invites, or simply text your loved ones with the time and place (your house!). The best time to host a nesting party is in your seventh or eighth month, so there’s plenty of time in case baby arrives early but close enough that you won’t have to re-wash everything.
After you make a list of your nesting party goals, write down all the supplies you’ll need, such as:
- Baby-safe laundry detergent and dish soap
- Diapers, wipes, diaper cream
- Maternity pads, padsicle ingredients (healing herbs, aloe, alcohol-free witch hazel)
- Postpartum healing / breastfeeding teas
- Freezer meal ingredients and oven-safe pans
Gather everything you need and lay them out before your party. Write up a nice list of everything you’d like help with. Lay out some simple easy snacks and refreshments. When folks arrive, they can work in teams to get those tasks done! I.e. grandmas on cooking duty, a few friends organizing the nursery and folding baby clothes, and another team unboxing baby gear and sanitizing bottles. Depending on how you’re feeling, you can sit back and soak it in or join in on the nesting fun.
What if people really want to offer you a gift, as well? If you have a minimalist baby registry, consider asking for contributions to professional postpartum care or meal delivery services!
The nesting party: the best parenting trend of 2023
Nesting parties are here to stay. What a beautiful way to be supported by your community during pregnancy! With nesting parties, you don’t have to do everything alone: washing baby clothes, prepping meals, sanitizing bottles, etc. Bring in your community to celebrate your big life transition and get showered in acts of service to help prepare for your little one. For a modern spin on the traditionally gift-laden baby shower or gender reveal party, nesting parties are all about supporting new parents with what they need most: community, physical and emotional support to welcome their baby. If you’re pregnant in 2023, hop on the new trend that brings in age-old traditions and plan a nesting party! Your friends and family want to be there for you!