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Spring is right around the corner! While the warmer temps and colorful blooms are definitely welcome, parents are not excited to set the clocks ahead an hour for Daylight Savings Time. Daylight Savings Time 2024 begins at 2:00AM on Sunday, March 10, 2024. That means when 1:59AM ends on March 10th, we’ll jump right ahead to 3:00AM. In November we got to “fall back” an hour, but “springing forward” can feel like losing an hour of sleep. When you have little ones, every precious minute of shut eye counts, so let’s explore Daylight Savings Time tips for parents.
Daylight Savings Time Sleep Survival Strategy #1: Adjust Gradually
When you notice Daylight Savings Time a few days in advance, you have options. A popular choice is to ease into the time change, shifting your baby’s naps and bedtimes back 15 minutes a day. If you start 4 days in advance, you’ll be right back on track by the time Daylight Savings Time arrives on March 10th. For example, if your baby takes a morning nap at 9:00AM, an afternoon nap at 2:00PM, and goes to bed at 7:00PM, your 4-day spring Daylight Savings Time Plan would look like this:
Day 1: Nap at 8:45AM, Nap at 1:45PM, Bedtime at 6:45PM
Day 2: Nap at 8:30AM, Nap at 1:30PM, Bedtime at 6:30PM
Day 3: Nap at 8:15AM, Nap at 1:15PM, Bedtime at 6:15PM
Day 4 (DST begins): Nap at NEW 9:00AM, Nap at 2:00PM, Bedtime at 7:00PM
The gradual shift is a good choice for parents with children in childcare or school who need to maintain a reliable morning routine.
Daylight Savings Time Sleep Survival Strategy #2: Roll With It
If Daylight Savings Time totally sneaks up on you, fear not – you really can just roll with it. You may need to rouse a sleepy baby to get out the door on time on Monday, or you might have a few days of crankiness and fighting naps. You can adjust your baby’s schedule gradually after the fact, or try to make the leap in a day. Some little ones do just fine and don’t miss a beat, and others take a bit more time. Do what works for your family, and if chaos ensues, try a new method when Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3rd 2024!