
Sleep and Breastfeeding go hand and hand.

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If you’re a first-time mom or even a third-time mom, there’s always something to know about breastfeeding. For such a simple, essential human task and form of connection — it can get a little bit complicated!

I’ll run down a few essentials for breastfeeding (IMHO). You can learn more in an eBook I put together on must-haves for baby.

First: prepare with a breastfeeding class and find an experienced friend or family member for extra support.

In terms of the physical “things” you need, I suggest having nipple cream, gel pads,The Ultimate Book of Breastfeeding Answers, breast pads, thrush cream, cabbage leaves (to help ease the pain of engorgement) and coconut oil (great nipple moisturizer and antifungal barrier) all on hand before baby comes. Buy a few nursing tanks ahead of time (Target has some great options), but hold off on buying nursing bras until after the first couple weeks of breastfeeding when your breasts have reached their new size.

Breastfeeding in public can seem scary, but with cover goods, they’ve got you covered! It’s a nursing cover, carseat cover, cart cover and a scarf all in one!

Picking out the right breast pump and having it before your baby arrives is so important! It can help with your milk supply in those first few weeks! There are so many pumps on the market and your insurance will cover one! My two favorite pumps are Medela or Spectra S2. If you’re not sure how to figure out what pump is best for you, then Acelleron can help and they handle all of the insurance paperwork for you. The best part, they overnight the pump to you! Bing, bang — you’re done!

OK. Those are the breastfeeding essentials. But now here’s the real secret.


Effective breastfeeding, a good milk supply — and, honestly, a lot of effective newborn parenting — comes from sleep. This has been proven in study after study, and house after house, for years. Here’s some context. There are literally thousands of Google hits on getting more sleep during breastfeeding.

This is where we come in. Our Nightingales help you get more sleep — almost always making you a better parent — by taking care of the overnight needs while you get sleep. Admittedly, it’s hard at first. That’s your child and if you hear the newborn crying or fussing, you want to react. After a while, it gets easier and you let us handle more of the overnight responsibilities. We’ve been doing this collectively for decades, and have handled 100s of babies in all manner of contexts. We know the drill.

Your daytime parenting and breastfeeding will be more effective with this solution. Excited? Or at the very least interested? Feel free to contact us today — and definitely check out the eBook for more must-have information on a newborn’s first days/weeks/months.

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