Family Care Referrals OVERNIGHT CARE & 24/7 NEWBORN CARE

No matter where in the United States your family is located, we have access to some of the best Newborn Care Specialists in the industry! Our network of meticulously selected and thoroughly vetted Newborn Care Specialists, Postpartum Doulas, and Night Nurses are passionate about providing the very best in newborn care and supporting families every step of the way.

While we don't have a team in your area, we would love the opportunity to guide your family through the process of finding the best care referral to support your family.

First, choose what type of support you want.


Overnight Care

The Night Nurse [Newborn Care Specialist or Postpartum Doula] typically lives locally and goes home in the morning. Overnight they will stay in the same room as your baby, taking care of all your baby’s needs while maintaining a detailed log. Your newborn care expert will also handle restocking diapers, washing bottle and pump parts, and tidying up after themselves.

They will typically arrive between 8-10pm and stay overnight, and work an 8-12 hour shift. You can have coverage for 1-7 nights a week, but if you want your baby to have a good sleep routine by 12 weeks, it's suggested to have coverage most nights.


24/7 Live-in Care

The 24/7 Newborn care specialist [24/7 night nurse will travel to your home and typically stay through the duration of your contract. The NCS will typically work 16-20 hour shifts, 5-7 days a week.
Along with overnight support, you’ll also benefit from their expertise in establishing a daytime routine and sharing their knowledge about all things baby. In addition to baby care and education, your NCS will handle restocking diapers, washing bottles and pump parts, baby laundry, ensuring the nursery is well-stocked, and tidying up after themselves.

Get the right care referral for your family. How our process works:


WE BEGIN WITH DISCOVERY. We take the time to get to know you with a discovery call and then send over a family application. This helps us dive a little deeper into your needs and lifestyle and create the perfect job description. If you think we are a good fit then there is a $500 non-refundable launch fee, in addition to a signed working agreement that is required before we start the search process.


SEARCH. From our network and beyond we will find potential candidates that fit YOUR family’s specific criteria. We ask the right questions, check references, run background checks, and create detailed profiles that give a comprehensive picture of their background and personality.


MATCH. We send over bios for your review and you decide who you want to meet. We then do an intro and you can meet with candidates on the phone, over zoom or in person, whichever is easier for your family.


HIRE. After you choose the perfect overnight or 24/7 candidate to move forward with, you will create, negotiate, sign the contract with the newborn care specialist, and pay the provider a retainer. [We are here to help answer all questions and hold your hand through this process!]


REFERRAL. The referral fee of 20% is due upon contract signing with your NCS or Postpartum Doula. We are still available to answer follow up questions.

We work hand in hand with new parents across the country to ensure that they have the necessary support to navigate the joys and challenges of new parenthood.

nnn team members with linked arms

Your family is unique. So is our postpartum care.

We have experience working with a variety of family structures: If you are having one baby or three. If this is your first child or your tenth. If your family is lgbtq+. If you are adopting or using a surrogate. If you’re a single parent by choice, or if you’re a grandparent, uncle or temporary caregiver. If you’re a cancer survivor, a professional athlete, or just a regular tired parent. Whether you live on an impressive estate, or in a tiny one bedroom apartment.

No matter who you are or how you got here, we are so excited to support YOUR distinctive family dynamic.