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There are probably over a million articles, books, videos, podcasts, research, and pieces of friend advice you can get on becoming a new parent. Heck, I just went on Google News and found articles ranging from “How To Deal With Becoming A New Parent” to “Six Financial Considerations For New Parents” to “The Best Gifts For New Parents Are Services, Not Things” — and all those are from maybe the last 10 hours. Being an expectant parent / new parent is a multi-billion dollar industry, which is perhaps somewhat awkwardly based on fear of what you’ll do wrong.
While that’s logical (no one wants to be a bad parent), there is something you could read that might inspire you in a positive way. It’s called “The Newborn’s 10 Commandments,” and it’s been around for a few years. Sometimes it’s called “Letter From A Newborn.” Obviously the concept is preposterous because a newborn can’t write a long letter, but it’s beautiful and goes viral every few years.
I won’t paste the whole thing because it’s very long, but you can find the entire deal on this Facebook post from the NHS Ayrshire Maternity Unit. Some sweet samples:
Please take the time to find out who I am, how I differ from you and how much I can bring to you. Watch me carefully and I’ll tell you things which sooth, console and please me.
Please forgive me if I cry a lot. I am not a tyrant who was sent to make your life miserable, the only way I can tell you I am not happy is with my cry, bear with me and in a short time, as I mature, I will spend less time crying and more time socializing.
If you want to legitimately motivate yourself (and maybe shed a few tears along the way) to be the best parent you can be, consider putting down all the books in the new moms section of Amazon and reading this letter.