milk banks in chicago il

Milk Banks in Chicago, IL

Want to know something cool? Breastmilk has become significantly more accessible in recent years. Donor milk is available at milk banks and hospitals. So, what are milk banks? According to Human Milk Banking, a milk bank collects breast milk from mothers who have more than their babies need, then screens, pasteurizes, tests it, and, finally, dispenses it. If you’re looking for milk banks in Chicago, IL, you’ve come to the right place.

Milk banks can be beneficial for families who wish to supplement their newborns diet with breastmilk, while being unable to either produce it themselves due to a variety of reasons or have a low or delayed milk supply. They are also available for parents who used surrogates, foster or adopted babies. Donor breast milk is also used to feed babies who have a very low birth weight or complex medical issues.

Where to find milk banks in Chicago, IL

  1. Mother’s Milk Bank of the Great Western Lakes: This is the number one source to find donor milk in Chicago. They have partnered with task forces all over the city to help provide donor milk to those in need.
  2. The Milk Bank 
  3. Birth Center of Chicago

Milk banks are often non-profit organizations, however, it is important to understand that unless a prescription is written, donor milk does cost money to purchase. Each milk bank has varied costs. Some offer a sliding scale, while others charge $3.50 for 5 oz of milk or $21 for 4 oz. Shopping around and seeing what fits your families needs and talking to experts such as your pediatrician, can help you decide which path to take. The fees often cover the costs of the donor screening, nutritional analysis, testing, storage and shipping fees.

This service is a wonderful option for those looking to supplement their newborns diet and lends support to communities that may have been overlooked in the past. Creating accessible donor milk services, especially ones that have been thoroughly tested and screened, is a game changer for parents of all different backgrounds. 

At Nightingale Night Nurses we support a family’s decision to choose the right path for them. Whether it be breastfeeding, donor milk or formula, we hope to provide our clients and all parents with options they may not know about or help them find the easiest way to keep their baby fed. Because as we always say, a fed baby is a healthy baby.