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I’ve always loved Jo Frost. Who wouldn’t, really? I thought her approach to parenting was right on. Her show was so popular, all of us nannies would talk about it (yes I was a nanny at one point). Then they were casting for America’s Super Nanny.
I got invited to the casting call.
I actually thought going was going to be a huge waste of time. Why would they want me to be America’s Super Nanny? It made me laugh. But I went anyway. My interview was AWESOME, I mean really awesome.
Two hours later I got a call back.
I was in shock. They wanted me to come back the next day for my on camera interview, and if this went well then I was to LA to meet the producer.
Back to Boston we went the next day. I was ready, I was going to nail this. I’ve been a nanny for years. I got this.
Well, I was not prepared for what it would like to be on camera.
Look forward, but don’t look into the camera. Do you have any idea how hard it is not to look into the camera that is three feet from your face? And the lights, OMG it was hot. I was nervous.
Again this interview went really well. I started to panic a little after I left. How on earth could I travel around the US and teach parents how to create a consistent and supportive environment for their kids when I would be leaving my daughter at home?
That night I emailed the casting producer and told her I wasn’t interested in pursuing this any further. That was as far as I was going. Every now and then I think about the “what ifs?”
So there you have it, I was almost America’s Super Nanny.